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Tag: heating therapy

Paraffin Bath | Wax | Accessories

[column col=”1/3″] [/column] [column col=”1/3″] [/column] [column col=”1/3″] [/column] [space height=”11″] Intensive Moisture Therapy Nourishes Skin Penetrating heat Soothes Aching Joints. Relaxes Stiff Muscles 9 lb. Capacity Unit Automatic Thermostat Maintains Temperature [space height=”20″] Paraffin Wax | Paraffin Bath | Paraffin Accessories

Thermophore | Electric Moist Heating Pad

[column col=”1/2″] [space height=”10″] Treat pain caused by muscle spasms from strain Moist Heat allows for deeper penetration of muscle tissue Heats up quickly Comfortable and easy to use also Available with Timer (MaxHEAT) Available in Various Sizes : 14×27, 14×14 , 14×7 [/column] [column col=”1/2″] [space height=”10″] Comes with Timer & pre-set switches Treat […]